野树的舞台:Earth Sign土象咖啡馆 | 即时设计研究所


沿街场景 ©Kevin

野树的舞台:Earth Sign土象咖啡馆 | 即时设计研究所

树影与外摆区 ©Kevin

设计单位 即时设计研究所(IM Design)项目地点 陕西西安竣工时间 2024.9建筑面积 60平方米


街道是建筑的同行者。街道既是母体,也是城市的房间、丰饶的土壤、孕育的场所。它的生存力不仅依赖于人的人性,也同样依赖于周围的建筑。Streets are companions of architecture. Streets are not only the matrix, but also rooms, fertile soil, and nurturing places of the city. Its viability depends not only on the humanity of the people, but also on the surrounding architecture.

——Bernard Rudofsky,《人的街道》


沿街场景 ©Kevin


黄良村地处西安市南郊,同中国许许多多乡村一样,它在近三十年汹涌的“城市化”进程中,不显光鲜。Huangliang Village is located in the southern suburbs of Xi'an City. Like many villages in China, it has declined into dust during the turbulent "urbanization" process in the past three decades.

2020年,作为“逆城市化”的践行者,南山木工的几个年轻手工匠人回到黄良村生活与工作,之后的4年时间里,这个小小的村子里慢慢聚集了一群有趣且无畏的年轻人。In 2020, as practitioners of "counter-urbanization", several young craftsmen from Nanshan Woodworking returned to Huangliang Village to live and work. Over the next four years, a group of interesting and interesting people slowly gathered in this small village. Fearless young man.

初勘现场,村子里散布着艺术家工作室、民宿、文创零售等一众业态,但大多藏在高高的院墙后面,传递着避世的风骨。我们一圈一圈地采风,想知道这个小小的乌托邦里,还缺点什么。At the initial survey site, the village is dotted with artist studios, B&Bs, cultural and creative retail and other businesses, but most of them are hidden behind high courtyard walls, conveying the spirit of escapism. We went around to collect the scenery, and wanted to know this There is nothing missing in this little utopia.


街道鸟瞰 ©Kevin

野树的舞台:Earth Sign土象咖啡馆 | 即时设计研究所

场地 ©即时设计研究所回忆起小时候在农村的生活,村口的大树掩映着木质的戏台。黄昏时,一群小孩子爬上戏台,假扮节日里的社火表演咿咿呀呀,惊起藏在后台里的一群蝙蝠。而如今,村里的戏台早已废弃,连木头的梁柱也朽在土里。When I was a child, I recalled life in the countryside. The big tree at the entrance of the village concealed a slender stage. At dusk, a group of children climbed onto the stage and pretended to be a social performance at the festival. The fire made a babble, startling a group of bats behind. Nowadays, the village stage is completely abandoned, and even the wooden beams are rotting in the soil.

我们想,是时候还给村子一个小小的“舞台”。I think it’s time to give the village a space “stage”.


概念拼贴 ©即时设计研究所


场地给了我们一个院子和两颗树:一颗家养的桃树和一颗无名的野树。The site gave us a yard and two trees, a domestic peach tree and an unknown wild tree.

这是一个前院后屋的民居院落,后院的二层建筑将作为南山木工的工坊。所以,前院的新建建筑不但要满足咖啡馆的使用需求,还要作为南山木工的入口,有效连接起后院空间并将庭院重新分配给两个业态,形成一种类似“后工作室”的模式。This is a residential courtyard with a front yard and a back room. The two-story building in the backyard will be used as Nanshan Carpentry's workshop. Therefore, the new building in the front yard must not only meet the needs of the cafe, but also serve as the entrance to Nanshan Carpentry and effectively connect it. The backyard space was opened up and the courtyard was redistributed to two business formats, forming a model similar to a "back studio".

建筑生成 ©即时设计研究所


鸟瞰 ©Kevin于是,建筑侧个身,临街就有了三角形的舞台,野树就站在舞台的中央。建筑开个洞,家树也从后院探出头来。要是再有一片庇护的屋檐,这个小小村落的新故事,就要上演……So, the building turned sideways, and there was a triangular stage facing the street. The wild tree stood in the center of the stage. There was a hole in the building, and the domestic trees poked their heads out from the backyard. If there was another sheltering eaves, this small A new story in the village is about to unfold...

清晨,树影是这方舞台的第一个舞者,透过外摆区的三角形洞口,洒在店内的吧台上,彰示着一天营业的开始。随着时间的推移,树影缓慢游走,抚过地面,抚过桌椅,直到街道,直到日落。In the early morning, the shadow of the tree is the first dancer on this stage. Through the triangular opening in the outside area, it is sprinkled on the bar in the store, signaling the beginning of the day's business. As time goes by, the shadow of the tree slowly moves away. , caressing the ground, caressing the tables and chairs, until the street, until sunset.

野树的舞台:Earth Sign土象咖啡馆 | 即时设计研究所


树影与吧台 ©Kevin店内的门窗洞口高低错落,指向各不相同的景致。随着行走或落座,周围的绿意被吸引进室内。屋檐的树洞,更是成为了村里小动物的游乐场。The door and window openings in the store are staggered at different heights, pointing to different views. As you walk or sit down, the surrounding greenery is attracted into the interior. The tree hole in the eaves has become a playground for the small animals in the village.


面向桃树的落地窗 ©Kevin

野树的舞台:Earth Sign土象咖啡馆 | 即时设计研究所

木质的矮窗 ©Kevin


面向街道的长窗 ©Kevin


面向邻居院落的高窗 ©Kevin

野树的舞台:Earth Sign土象咖啡馆 | 即时设计研究所

屋顶玩耍的猫 ©Kevin后院的入口布置在外摆区远端,穿过花园之间的小径,通往南山木工的工坊,并连接起通往二楼的楼梯。这种递进的布局模式,使得院落空间被充分利用,并形成富有层次感的视觉体验。The entrance to the backyard is located at the far end of the outbuilding area, passing through the paths between the gardens, leading to Nanshan Carpentry's workshop, and connecting to the stairs leading to the second floor. This progressive layout pattern makes full use of the courtyard space. , and form a layered visual experience.


后院入口 ©Kevin


通往木工坊 ©Kevin

野树的舞台:Earth Sign土象咖啡馆 | 即时设计研究所

回看后院入口 ©Kevin


后院看向街道 ©Kevin


我们试图通过这栋建筑向村落传递善意:We try to convey goodwill to the village through this building:

一是对草木的保护。在近年的发展中,村落里阻碍建设的大树被砍伐,回忆与生机也被掩埋。于是,哪怕只是一棵无名的野树,我们也尝试保留。The first is the protection of vegetation. In recent years of development, large trees that hinder construction in villages have been cut down, and memories and vitality have been buried. Therefore, even if it is just an unknown wild tree, we try to preserve it.

二是关于开放和共享。这条小小的街道,在两侧房屋的扩张和挤压下,其间的道路仅剩两米多宽,除了车辆通行,已无法继续承担人的活动。那么,内退的建筑与其形成的半室外空间,便成为了街道新的聚集点。The second is about openness and sharing. Under the expansion and squeeze of the houses on both sides of this small street, the road in between is only more than two meters wide. Apart from vehicle traffic, it can no longer bear human activities. So, retreat inward. The building and the semi-outdoor space formed by it have become a new gathering point on the street.

三是采用“村民共建”的方式应对“乡村振兴”。这不仅为村落里的居民带来了新的工作机会,更促进了新老村民的交流与融合。The third is to adopt a "co-construction by villagers" approach to respond to "rural revitalization", which not only brings new job opportunities to village residents, but also promotes exchanges and integration between new and old villagers.


野树的舞台 ©Kevin2024年9月,首届海绵社区艺术节在黄良村举办,这场由艺术家和村民自发举办的艺术聚会为黄良村带来了新的活力,而土象咖啡馆作为其中最大体量的社区建筑,承担了聚会、展示、服务、发布等多重功能。In September 2024, the first Sponge Community Art Festival was held in Huangliang Village. This art gathering spontaneously organized by artists and villagers brought new vitality to Huangliang Village, and the Earth Elephant Cafe, as the largest community building among them, assumed the role of the gathering. , display, service, publishing and other multiple functions.

回望十九世纪末至二十世纪中期,现代主义热潮兴起,从城市街道、自然村落到公共咖啡馆,知名艺术聚集地及聚会场所激发了无数艺术家的创造力。我们期待,这座凝聚了集体智慧的小小咖啡馆,亦能滋养出源源不断的艺术创造力和对创造力的渴望。Looking back to the end of the 19th century to the mid-20th century, the modernism boom was on the rise. From urban streets to natural villages to public cafes, well-known art gathering places and gathering places inspired the creativity of countless artists. We look forward to this building that unites the collective A smart little cafe can also nourish endless artistic creativity and desire for creativity.

野树的舞台:Earth Sign土象咖啡馆 | 即时设计研究所

黄昏下的落幕 ©Kevin


平面图 ©即时设计研究所


项目名称:Earth Sign土象咖啡馆


设计单位:即时设计研究所(IM Design)








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