“天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。” Tianjie drizzle run such as Crisp, grass-colored near to see but no.
F L Y ¢ D E S I G N⊙# 若草 #
客厅 / The Living Room
温柔的奶油色调,打造温暖治愈的空间。化繁为简,放下往日的浮躁,寻找那一抹冬日暖阳。阳光透过融化了时光,瞬间治愈人心。Gentle cream tones create a warm and healing space. Simplify the complex, let go of the impetuosity of the past, and look for the warm winter sun. The sunlight melts through time and heals the heart in an instant.
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
爱尔兰绿岩板的书柜背景点缀,营造优雅静谧的氛围,而酒红色的休闲椅与那一抹生机相映成趣。生活美学即生活感化,同时将美感生活化,即表达美且舒适的方式。Irish greenstone slabs of bookcases create an elegant and tranquil backdrop, while burgundy lounge chairs complement the life. Life aesthetics is the transformation of life, and at the same time the beauty is brought to life, that is, the way to express beauty and comfort.
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅作为生活,待客的发生地,不应只是独立的功能区,而是互动、呼应、陪伴、交流和欢聚的空间。双面沙发满足屋主一家人的生活方式,也以沙发为界,将客厅分为休闲活动区和阅读办公区,满足与家人观影,放松和休息的需求。As a place where life and hospitality take place, the living room should not only be an independent functional area, but a space for interaction, echoing, companionship, communication and gathering. The double-sided sofa meets the lifestyle of the owner's family, and is also bounded by the sofa, dividing the living room into a leisure activity area and a reading office area to meet the needs of watching movies, relaxing and resting with the family.
客厅 / The Living Room
餐厅 / Restaurant
原本的移门更换为折叠门,简单素雅的色调加上玻璃的通透质感,一改之前的逼仄狭小,空间变得开阔,简约而又灵动。The original sliding door was replaced with a folding door, with a simple and elegant color and the transparent texture of glass, changing the previous narrow and narrow space, simple and flexible.
餐厅 / Restaurant
餐厅 / Restaurant
主卧/ Master bedroom
主卧的床头背景装饰画为屋主亲手所绘,禅意不失优雅,颇有几分行至水穷处,坐看云起时的闲适之感。 The bedside background decoration painting of the master bedroom is painted by the owner himself, which is Zen and elegant, and it is quite a bit of a leisurely feeling when walking to the water's edge and sitting and watching the clouds rise.
主卧/ Master bedroom
主卧/ Master bedroom
主卧/ Master bedroom
儿童房富有童趣又十分清爽,每一处都恰到好处,优雅静谧的空间将会迎来它的小主人。The children's room is childlike and refreshing, every place is just right, and the elegant and quiet space will welcome its little owner.
儿童房 / Children's room
儿童房 / Children's room
儿童房 / Children's room
多功能房 / Multi-purpose Room