水与光, 追光掠影
At the point of time flow, Hidden in the city neon dust, in the natural space luxury environment. When architecture spans time with craftsmanship, when nature and aesthetic details coincide, Here, put life
江河湖畔,从来都是一座城市豪情的源头,以及价值生长的开始。项目提取得天独厚的自然 “水”元素,通过线条的再构筑,体现长沙这座城市似水的豪情与韧性。
Rivers and lakes have always been the source of pride and value growth of a city. The project extracts the unique natural "water" element, and reconstruction by lines, reflects the heroism and toughness of changsha.
The artwork "Liuyang Heart" including humanity and nature. The collision of the new and the old, to create a spatial system of geo-culture × modern urban art, to create an innovative cultural heritage design in the end.
The staircase is a conveyor belt for people to shuttle between different areas of space. When the staircase designed as an artwork besides it’s function, it becomes the critical point of art and art, it is also the existence of aesthetic transition.
Beauty is never limited to one kind of formation, the beauty of the rotating staircase in the unique material, color and light fusion, showing a different style of visual art.
The water surface flits over the light and shadow of the rising sun. With the modern deconstruction technique, the firmness and toughness are re-shaped, reflecting the spirit of local humanity, but also the precipitation and expectation of thousands of years of culture. While enriching the height of the negotiation area, a coherent theme scene is formed.
The spray aroused by water in Liuyang River is captured by static method to present the aesthetic feeling of dynamic water flow, increase the use of space water element and enrich the space.
With the inspiration of the Juzi continent, a scenic area, we create an "ecological oasis" in the space, integrate the local culture, keeping awe of the natural ecology and creating a state of harmonious coexistence with nature.
项目名称 | 长沙龙湖天璞营销中心
项目地址 | 中国 · 长沙
业主名称 | 龙湖集团长沙公司
业主团队 | 李舍、陈远、陈梓筠
硬装设计 | DAS大森设计
软装设计 | DAS大森设计
设计团队 | 崔端、罗辉、刘旭安、张续周、李优、张媛、刘俊、贺伟、符智恒、谭玲、周颖
完工时间 | 2022年5月
项目面积 | 997㎡