从容设计 | 漫步瓦尔登湖


每一个早晨,都是一个愉快的邀请,使得我的生活,如大自然般简单。 —— 梭罗《瓦尔登湖》

很多时候,生活越精简,对生活的满足感也就越强。我们在与居者沟通时了解到,他非常喜欢梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》,也非常地向往《瓦尔登湖》的生活,极简、极美、极自由.......In many cases, the simpler the life, the greater the satisfaction with life. When we communicated with the residents, we learned that he liked Thoreau's "Walden" very much, and also yearned for the life of "Walden", which is minimalist, extremely beautiful, and extremely free......

基于居者的需求与内心向往,我们进行本案空间的设计时,借鉴梭罗所言【为生活,做减法;为思想,做加法】的理念进行空间塑造,在有限的空间内,写入诗意的想象,为居者打造一个瓦尔登湖的美学生活。Based on the needs and inner aspirations of the inhabitants, when we designed the space of this case, we used Thoreau's concept of "subtraction for life; addition for thought" to shape the space, and write poetry in the limited space. imagination, to create an aesthetic life of Walden Pond for the residents.

绽放 / BLOOM那一派永恒的春光,微风平静温和,吹过那无须播种便已绽放的花朵。

从容设计 | 漫步瓦尔登湖

我们撷自然之灰、白为底色进行装点空间,巧妙地将祖母绿、橘褐色绽放于室内,大开面落地窗直通阳台,满目天光侵入室内,将每个角落充盈着光明与灵动,室内柔和的节奏缓慢游弋着,予居者安定而惬意的心灵归属感。We use natural gray and white as the background colors to decorate the space, skillfully bloom emeralds and orange-brown in the interior, and the large floor-to-ceiling windows lead directly to the balcony. The rhythm is slowly cruising, giving the residents a stable and comfortable sense of spiritual belonging.




追求功能的舒适和审美上的简约,大理石材质的圆形茶几、橘褐色人体工学沙发以及木质置物桌营造出空间质感,既满足了都市新贵对于精致生活的追求,又带有人文气质,祖母绿沙发带来一种春天的气息,与窗外风景呼应,同时为室内增加了跳跃轻盈的细腻感。The pursuit of functional comfort and aesthetic simplicity, marble material round coffee table, orange-brown ergonomic sofa and wooden table to create a sense of space texture, not only to meet the urban upstart for the pursuit of exquisite life, but also with a humanistic temperament, emerald sofa brings a spring atmosphere, echoing with the scenery outside the window, while adding a sense of delicacy for the interior.


从容设计 | 漫步瓦尔登湖

饰物的甄选上,设计师也是下了诸多心思,茶几金属摆件增添时尚与时代的美感,毛绒抱枕及针织毯子塑造柔软的视觉体验,同时嵌入橙色抽象挂画,映衬出居住者的审美高度,追求国际化的视觉品位。In the selection of ornaments, the designer has also put a lot of thought into it, the metal ornaments of the coffee table add fashion and the beauty of the times, the plush pillows and knitted blankets create a soft visual experience, and the orange abstract hanging painting is embedded at the same time, reflecting the aesthetic height of the occupants and pursuing international visual taste.

自然之息 / NATURE任何大自然的事物中,都能找出最甜蜜温柔,最天真和鼓舞人的伴侣。



“在自由流畅的动线之下,我们更注重去构建空间秩序感与自然的体验感,塑造出独特的居住体验”设计师如是说。我们倚【瓦尔登湖】的精神高度,抛开有关概念与创意的追逐,在自然面前谦卑如同小孩,所有关于细节塑造、摆物筛选也都变得单纯、直接。"Under the free and smooth moving line, we pay more attention to building a sense of spatial order and a natural sense of experience, and create a unique living experience," the designer said. We rely on the spiritual height of [Walden], put aside the pursuit of concepts and creativity, humble like children in front of nature, and all the details and arrangements have become simple and direct.



从容设计 | 漫步瓦尔登湖


我们将一整颗绿植树木栽种于室内,体现出居者对于自然界饱满的情感,其次在功能的规划上,我们打通厨房与客厅的空间隔断,嵌入吧台,使得空间更加宽敞,同时又消弭了就餐与烹饪的空间阻隔,居者烹饪之时,又能与家人聊天谈心,让下厨变得更加美妙。We planted a whole green tree indoors, reflecting the resident's full emotion for the natural world, followed by the functional planning, we opened the space partition between the kitchen and the living room, embedded in the bar, making the space more spacious, and at the same time eliminating the space barrier between dining and cooking, when the resident cooks, he can chat with his family and make the cooking more wonderful.





In the choice of materials, the selection of a very natural atmosphere of marble texture wall and wooden texture of the table, at the same time, in order to meet the storage needs of home life, the kitchen specially made a wooden closet, coupled with green plant embellishment, romantic nature, casual objects, highlighting the resident's purest love for the art of living.

暮色 / TWILIGHT暮色早早四合,迎来了一个漫漫的长夜,其间就有千丝万缕思绪。

从容设计 | 漫步瓦尔登湖



设计师尝试让设计回归生活本质,剔除多余装饰,用安静的力量感知设计本身,所以在休憩空间的塑造上,我们嵌入瓦尔登湖黄昏的温柔与徐缓于室内。以白色为主色调,辅以大地色、湖蓝为点缀,营造一番宁静淡然的氛围。The designer tries to return the design to the essence of life, eliminate the superfluous decoration, and perceive the design itself with quiet power, so in the shaping of the rest space, we embed the gentleness and gentleness of walden Lake dusk indoors. White is the main color, supplemented by earth colors and lake blue as embellishments, creating a quiet and indifferent atmosphere.



从容设计 | 漫步瓦尔登湖



浅灰色肤感衣柜与蓝色沙发椅,在飘窗阳光的照射下,带来温柔的包裹感。空间线条利落,无需多余的装饰,让人褪去浮华,享受休憩时光,归于宁静。空间内并未设计华丽而繁琐的吊饰与灯饰,而是以简约的线型灯与射灯为主,呈现出大胆的视觉感受,最大化地增加空间深度。The light gray skin-feeling wardrobe and blue sofa chairs bring a gentle sense of wrapping under the sunlight from the bay window. The space has neat lines and no need for extra decoration, allowing people to fade away from the glitz, enjoy the rest time, and return to tranquility. The space is not designed with gorgeous and cumbersome pendant and lighting, but mainly simple linear lights and spotlights, presenting a bold visual experience and maximizing the depth of the space.


每个人都需要一个属于他的瓦尔登湖,而设计的本质是读懂居者、了解空间,并赋予空间美感和真实的生活。在本案的设计中,我们有意去疏离生活的琐碎,超越生活本身,将物质呈现转化成空间的情感体验,引导居住者去去享受归家之后的闲适时光,让生活的一隅一瞬,自由自在。Everyone needs a Walden lake that belongs to him, and the essence of design is to read the occupants, understand the space, and give the space a sense of beauty and real life. In the design of this case, we deliberately alienate the trivialities of life, transcend life itself, transform the material presentation into the emotional experience of space, guide the occupants to enjoy the idle light after returning home, and let a corner of life be free for a moment.



从容设计 | 漫步瓦尔登湖

项目地点 | 中国·广州

Project Address | China · Guangzhou

设计机构 | 从容设计

Design Agency | CongRong Design

设计主创 | 吕媛媛

Design Director | Lv Yuanyuan

项目面积 | 127㎡

Project Area | 127㎡

竣工时间 | 2021.12

Completion Date | 2021.12

项目摄影 | RICCI

Photography | RICCI

主要材料 | 德赛斯岩板,本杰明涂料,意大利I.T瓷砖等

Main Material | Deses Slate, Benjamin Paint, Italian I.T Tile


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