展平的雅典柱式屏风后,是OFFICE AIO新设计的法式“路边”Elle Cafe
OFFICE AIO Designs Beijing’s Elle Cafe Behind a Veil of a Flattened Colonnade
由OFFICE AIO设计、位于北京的新时尚咖啡馆(Fashion Cafe)是Elle Cafe在中国的第二家分店。设计师在倒 T 形的平面之上,为这个大型商场中的咖啡厅构思了一个如在法国街道边休闲用餐的空间体验。
Play of Classicism for a dramatic spanning shopfront
Modern indoor commercial centres are designed with walkways carefully directed. They are often flanked by longwindedly two-dimensional advertisements or wide-open shopfronts. Each one is eagerly opening itself up loudly and entirely to the passing consumers.
然而,最新的Elle Cafe设计旨在向“生活艺术(Art de Vivre)”致敬,并以古典建筑的构造元素塑造跨时空感。当行人从咖啡馆的西边走近时,窄长的侧翼开放着一角,示意着前方这个展示艺术和用餐的空间。馆内的闲适和走道上的熙攘平行相隔,因此OFFICE AIO沿着咖啡馆和商场间的边界,设计了4米高的白色铝制屏风。屏风跨越着其特长的门面,以抽象、二维化的方式处理雅典多立克柱式的形态,犹如卢浮宫东面上的长柱廊一般,气派而富有节奏。
Minimally, classical ornamentations are also implemented inside the restaurant. Custom-made column-like table stools and bar counter are made in oak, grounding the cafe with a sense of nature. Chequer parquet in muted terrazzo hues is diamond laid on the ground; its pattern echoed above by mirror tiles exuding order and grandeur.
All of these impart a multi-faceted rhythm that presents tradition with a modern twist. A peek reflected by the mirror, a brush of the screen with fingertips, enrich the passerby and patrons’ experience by the contrasts of solid and void, flatness and depth, of social dynamics on either side.
A central stage flanked by two wings
Carefully located plan- and elevation-wise, the full-length half arch defines an essential axis running through the space. Within the springer of the arch, it houses a magnetic track light system. On the narrower wing, the gallery appears more spacious with its wall-washing strip lights embedded along the axis. On its east end, an array of spot lamps are installed over the tables centred below.
家具的选择上,设计师遵循着空间简约大气的风格。超大的圆锥型吊灯均匀地悬挂于拱顶和洞石台面之间。而与桌子搭配的,是&Tradition妩媚的酒红色织网贝蒂椅(Betty Chairs),以映照品牌专注女性生活方式的定位。
Furniture that adds a sense of minimal modernity was selected. Oversized cone-shaped pendants are evenly spaced and hover over travertine tabletops below. The tabletops are paired with seductive burgundy-coloured woven webbed Betty Chairs from &Tradition.
东边的墙上挂有倾斜的镜子,进一步反射着咖啡馆中聚餐的客人和布置于厅内的各色文创设计精品。由OFFICE AIO设计的Elle Cafe,平衡着经典和现代的元素,透过屏风的间隙,长卷般地闪现着馆内宾朋满座、馆外人流穿梭的社会情景。
With mirrors hanging at an angle reflecting cafe visitors and walls presenting designer items, OFFICE AIO’s design of Elle Cafes showcases a long series of social scenery with its dramatic spanning storefront of both classicism and modernity.
The node linking the two lengthy spaces is the core of food preparation and an interface of reception. Acting as a “stage”, a large island in brushed steel sits behind the reception bar where garnishing of dishes and various beverages can be observed from all angles. A backdrop in brass anchors the central space, with a narrow slit opening to subtly reveal the hustle within the central kitchen through a pane of frosted glass.
客户: Elle Cafe
地点: 中国北京
面积: 130 sqm
任务: 室内设计
主设计师: 关穗棋(Tim Kwan)
团队: 孙运萱(Isabelle Sun),解传宝,于思琪
委任时间: 2019
建成时间: 2020
摄影: Wen Studio
灯光: 乔艳莎
结构: 北京艺豪建筑装饰设计工程有限公司
平面: 熊可歆