女设计师Jasmin Kodzha,1986 年出生于俄罗斯,目前居住在伊斯坦布尔。专门从事私人住宅、商业和公共区域的建筑与室内设计,对品牌、图形和产品设计方面都很有经验。
01.惬意 质朴Walnut Istanbul
优雅 舒适
Villa,lstanbul这是 Jasmin Kodzha 2020年完成的另外一个作品。通过开放的设计手法,让空间有趣而且充满互动感。This is Jasmin Kodzha complete works of another 2020. Through an open design gimmick, make a space interesting and full of sense of interaction.
客厅米白色的沙发搭配黑色茶几,在光影的映衬下栩栩如生,家具款式可爱而具有极强的触感。The sofa of the sitting room is rice white on black tea table, in the set off of light and shadow lifelike, furniture design is lovely and with a strong sense of touch.
黑色木框架的餐椅,让整个画面配色形成轻重对比,也与墙上的艺术画的色调形成呼应。Black wood frame of eat chair, let whole picture color or contrast, also the colour of the wall art form.
厨房墙面地面台面全部统一用同种材质的岩板,左右两边则选择了颜色较为相近的木饰面。这种色彩简洁且用材统一的设计,让空间十分和谐完整。Kitchen mesa of metope, ground all use the same material of rock board, left and right sides chose the color more similar wood veneer. This kind of colour is concise and wood uniform design, let a space is complete harmony.