Etienne-LouisBoullée, who created a vision for a cenotaph honoring Sir Isaac Newton, wrote that “In order to execute, it is first necessary to conceive … It is this product of the mind, this process of creation, that constitutes architecture…”
Through the concept of a giant sphere and the use of light, Boullée explored a form of architecture derived from nature, and paid tribute to the great astronomer with his fabulous imagination.
先有设想,再有设计Conceive first, then design
The project is a theme hotel located in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China, which was created by ETERNO DESIGN, a local design firm. The hotel is named after IO (Jupiter I), which is the innermost of the four Galilean moons of the planet Jupiter. With over 400 active volcanoes, IO is the most geologically active object in the Solar System.
The moon of IO is full of unknowns, changes and uncertainties. Those properties coincide with the designers‘ initial conception of the hotel. They refused to restrict the interior design to a certain style, but combined contrasting yet diverse design elements to bring more possibilities to urban hotels.
去风格的场景定制Bespoke scenes that are not restricted to a certain style
Zhanjiang, where the project is located, is a city in the southern part of China mainland, which boasts unparalleled coastline and spectacular view of tides. Situated on the top floor of a commercial building in the downtown area, the hotel offers a panoramic view of the outdoor landscape and a tranquil environment. In the lobby, the designers retained the original oblique interior roof structure, and added glass ceiling to enhance natural daylighting, and at the same time utilized perforated aluminum sheets to soften the light and produce interplay of light and shadows.
The interior is characterized by a diversified material palette consisting of terrazzo, deep-colored ultrathin stone materials, timber, and leather coverings, etc., which fuses softness and solidness and enriches textures of the space.
The interpenetration of different surfaces blurs the spatial order, and guides the guests to have multi-dimensional interaction in the open lobby. In this way, it brings people closer to each other, which fits into the contemporary urban spirit of sharing and equality.
In addition, the varied hues interspersed throughout the space, together with playful art installations, inject vividness into the interior under the soft light.
空间三十六变Diverse guest rooms
Occupying a total area of 2,500 sqm, the hotel has 36 distinctive guest rooms. The designers continued the bespoke design idea of the lobby, whilst conceiving each room in a differentiated way based on their respective interior structures. Loft guest rooms were set in the double-height area, providing the guests with unique experiences.

Each guest room features a skylight, which enables the interweaving of natural and artificial light and enhances transparency of the space as well. Walls and customized furniture modules show subtle interaction in a folding and interlacing way, which facilitates the shift of scenes.

The staircases strengthen the three-dimensional visual impression of the space, and make the experience of going up and down more interesting. Moreover, they also function as suspended art installations, which become artistic carriers of life.

It was very challenging to approach the rooms with a sloped roof structure. The design team turned an oblique angle between the interior roof and the wall into 90 degree, and added a skylight to introduce daylight. In this way, the re-imagined ceiling was endowed with both a simplistic form and rich details, and was made a highlight in the space.

Each guest room is an independent unit, and also an integral part of a whole system that provides diverse experiences, just like numerous rotating objects constitute the Solar System.

Erecting opposite the Sheraton not far away, I·O HOTEL embraces the coastline in its unique way.

By skillfully making use of light and shadows, structures and colors, the design team injected imagination into spatial scenes, which will attract the guests to experience and explore the unknown.

项目名称:I·O HOTEL木卫壹酒店
设计主创:陈华才 许何展
设计团队:姜虹兰 徐美杰 黄坚 陆云峰
Project name: I·O HOTEL
Category: theme hotel
Location: Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China
Area: 2,500 m2
Client: Zhanjiang I·O Hotel Management Co., Ltd.
Design firm: ETERNO
Chief designers: Chen Huacai, Xu Hezhan
Design team: Jiang Honglan, Xu Meijie, Huang Jian, Lu Yunfeng
Completion time: October 2019
Main materials: perforated aluminum sheet, ultrathin stone materials, terrazzo, wooden veneer, back-painted glass, mosaic tile, stainless steel, wooden flooring, paint
Photography: ETERNO / MGS