▼ 场地现状 Building status quo
This is an urbanliving room with possibilities, a variable space for experiences, storytelling,hearing, tasting and feeling. Here we collect interesting perspectives to seethe world, you will meet the stories of others and create your own stories. Wetry to construct each story in this changing space with interesting visuallanguage. You will step into different contexts, an exhibition, a performance, ora creative dinner. We hope all forgotten curiosity will be picked up and allrusty senses will be awakened.
▼改造后的店铺外观 exterior view
Tongzilin is more internationalized than otherplaces in Chengdu. It's elegant and charmingbecause of the diversity.
▼一楼空间 First floor space
We blur the boundary of space and strengthen theinteraction between indoor and outdoor space.
We try to observe space from multiple perspectives.Design should allow enough flexibility for subsequent management rather than overexpressing itself.
▼细节 Details
Mofun is a comprehensive experimental site. It is hard to define it arestaurant, a dessert shop, a bar, a cafe, or a small theater. How to integrateart into the details of management is our goal in the future.
▼二楼空间 Second floor space
The seven moving mirror walls make the space changebetween different functions. We construct a fascinating
and lively theaterenvironment based on the condition of the building itself.
Natural light and shadow are the most movingaccompaniment of space, and human beings are the most lively spirits in space.
▼《The Cove》陈梦曦
In the blue light which is like the ocean, the moderndance performance expresses a dolphin's struggling.
▼平面图 Plan
地点 丨 成都.桐梓林
面积 丨350㎡
造价 丨200万
设计 丨 成都逅筑空间设计有限公司
主创 丨 曾崧
团队 丨 莫菲 侯雅楠
摄影 丨贺川
主材 丨金属板、不锈钢、水泥漆、真石漆、预制水磨石
Project area丨 350㎡
Design Team丨H&Z Space Design
Main material丨 Metalwork , BuntSteinPutz , Cement paint , Terrazzo