项目名称 | 流年Project Name
项目面积 | 236㎡Project Area
硬装设计 | 壹阁设计Interior Finish
软装设计 | 壹阁设计Furnishing
创意总监 | Denny Ho & 钟莉Creative Director
设计总监 | 李姝霖Design Director
风格趋势 | 法式混搭Style and Trend
完成时间 | 2016年03月Complete Time
摄影师 | 贺川Photography
品牌支持 | owan,凡德罗,大自然,imolaBrand Support
所有的流行都会成为复古,所有的复古都会再次成为怀旧。 All the fashion will become retro, and also all retro will change into nostalgic.
当代人的生活方式正在悄然发生变化,家作为承载我们生活、情感关系的容器,能更明显的呈现出变化结果。 The modern lifestyle change quietly, but the owner who carries life and emotion can experience the change of the environment.
3年后再次回访,我们试图以当下的眼光重新审视,探索空间美学设计价值。 We try to re-examine the current aesthetics and explore the value of the space after 3 years later.
设计之初,我们就预留足够留白方便空间动线重组。希望赋予这个空间精致、舒适、包容的气质,不惧时光。始终能在亲子关系及私人空间中找到平衡。 The beginning of the design, we reserve enough space to facilitate the reorganization of the space. Hoping to give this space a refined, comfortable and inclusive temperament. Not only to find the balance between children and parents.
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让喜欢旅行、户外、健身、音乐、阅读、书法、字画、品茶、品酒的夫妻两能同时拥有自己的独立空间。 The independent space is build for the owner who love travel, outdoor, fitness, music, reading, calligraphy, calligraphy and painting, tea and also wine tasting.
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小朋友的游戏、玩具、绘本、图书也被巧妙融入空间。儿童房特别设计了攀爬梯,让他们能在这里自由释放天性。 The main idea of the children’s room is to release their nature, that’s why we design a ladder and gaming space inside the children’s room.
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场景的美好往往会随琐碎的日常被消磨,而好的设计却能随时光的流逝历久弥新。 The beauty of the scene is often squandered by daily life, while good design can be last longer. 正如本案所用的NATUZZI、ploum、Luceplan、FNJI 、Marshall等经典款家具,传递的是一种less is more的人生哲学。 As the classic furniture such as NATUZZI, ploum, Luceplan, FNJI, and Marshall is an attitude of the philosophy of life.
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时尚是一个轮回,复古与怀旧不只是流行趋势,更是一种生活态度。 The Change of fashion, return to retro and nostalgia. What’s more, it’s an attitude towards life. 一件单品或元素被形容为复古时,它即便不是当下正流行,却也丝毫不会被人说成过气。 When a piece or element is described as retro, it is not longer overstated, even if it is not popular at the moment. 「流年」就是这样的存在。 This is how "Time After Time" existence.