心里发毛的时候最好的办法就是坐进一辆出租车到蒂凡尼去。这马上使她平静下来,那里有安静气氛和高贵气派。对赫莉来说,即使外面再混乱,蒂凡尼里都是一样和平而宁静。—杜鲁门·卡波特The best way to get Tiffany is to go by taxi. This made her calmed down immediately, though there was a quiet and noble atmosphere. For Hurley, Tiffany Nellie was as peaceful and quiet as ever outside.—Truman Garcia Capote
第一次见到小C是在3年前,这个精致的有点过分的女人,会让人想起《蒂凡尼的早餐》里的赫本。The first time I saw Mrs.C was three years ago. She is a delicate woman that always reminded me the Hepburn in 《Breakfast at Tiffany's》.
落座时她会斜腿交叉习惯性的整理裙摆。她的语速很慢,音色略带磁性,伴随着恰到好处的手部动作一丝若隐若无的淡香弥漫开来,那是Givenchy L'Interdit 1957的味道。When she seated, she always cross her legs with a tidy skirt. Though she spoke slowly but her tone was slightly magnetic. A faint fragrance permeates came out by the little movements of her right hand, which was the flavor of Givenchy L'Interdit in 1957.
于是,我们把这套作品取名为《Givenchy L'Interdit》We named our work as《Givenchy L'Interdit》.
米色中性色奠定空间整体基调,蓝灰色系家具与橙色系软装形成暧昧的色彩对比。We used beige color as the basic tone of the space while the blue-grey furniture and orange soft clothes brings a strong contrast.
公共空间多用深色木作体现法式的自然与温馨。棉麻与布艺质感蓝灰色沙发平衡空间厚重感。In public, we used dark wood to reflect the nature and warmth, by using the cotton blue-grey sofa that brings out the balance of the space.
书房整体以蓝灰冷色调为主,搭配肌理清晰的定制柜,稳重中又不过于沉闷,营造书房应有的安静舒适及私密感。We used blue-gray as the main tone, it brings out quiet and comfort.
移开书桌,自成一方度假空间。地毯一铺,露出木纹古朴的宽板地板,一杯咖啡二块面包,三五好友,可以在这里消磨一整天。You can easily create a huge space by moving the desk in the study that will be enough to spend your whole day having fun with your friends.
主卧蓝灰低饱和度配搭,恰到好处的体现了法式浪漫轻盈与温馨情调。The color of blue and grey in the master bedroom reflects the romance and warmth.
生活即艺术是小C的状态写照,不管再晚,她都会预留半个小时给到自己完全放松。点燃香薰,走进浴缸仰头放松,敷着面膜、伴随着音乐脚趾轻轻律动...No matter how late she is, she will reserve half an hour to relax in the bathroom by light aromatherapy.
次卧与休闲区相连,拉开帘幔就能穿越到另个空间。You could easily get into the balcony by opening the curtain.
在Givenchy L'Interdit里,既能沉浸在高贵气派里,也能在某个角落尽享安静气氛。随意移动摆弄几件配饰,就能创造随意慵懒的法式浪漫。In Givenchy L'Interdit, not only you can get into atmosphere of noble, but also enjoy quiet atmosphere in a corner. You can also create a casual French romance easily by rearranging ornament.
走进儿童房,感受的是优雅中带着一点点高级的童趣。天天生活在电影般的房子里,不用刻意培养就能轻易捕捉对美的认知。Walking into the children's room, It makes me feel like walking into the movie that we can easily capture any beauty without conscious cultivation.